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  • Jan Fiedor's avatar
    Bumped to version 0.4. · c3423322
    Jan Fiedor authored
    Summary of changes:
      * Licensed under GPLv3+
      * Added a CMake module for generating build information
      * Added a new API for querying version information
      * Added a version information header that is printed before each
      * Updated the build system
        * Changed the default installation directory to './local'
        * Moved installed header files into separate directories
        * Enabled concurrent builds for different operating systems and
          different architectures by using separate build subdirectories
          for each operating system and architecture
      * Updated dependencies
        * libraries/libdie: updated to version 0.3
        * framework: requires CMake version 3.2 or newer
      * Updated and cleaned Eclipse build configurations
      * Removed old scripts, Eclipse projects, and other files not used
      * Improvements
        * framework/cbstack: added detection of missed returns
        * tools/build: changed the '--clean' option without target
          specification to uninstall all parts of ANaConDA and clean
          the build directory
        * tools/build: out-of-source builds keep references to Git
        * tools/build: better detection of PIN, libdwarf, and libelf
      * Fixes
        * Fixed several build and compilation issues on Windows
        * framework/plugin/settings: fixed a crash when loading default
          values in newer versions of Boost
        * tools/run: fixed running of ANaConDA on newer Linux kernels
        * tools/gdb: fixed debugging when using KDE konsole as a terminal
          for GDB
        * tools/build: fixed many small issues in various checks
        * shared/cmake: fixed naming of test program targets