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  • Jan Fiedor's avatar
    Bumped to version 0.5. · 08d4562b
    Jan Fiedor authored
    Summary of changes:
      * Unified the execution scripts
        * Implemented a more generic and robust system for running commands
        * All execution scripts support specifying programs with parameters
      * Added support for location noise
      * Added the debug noise
      * Improvements
        * Improved performance by caching locations of memory access
        * Improved the debugging of memory access tracking
        * Added support for debugging in Tmux
        * Programs used to test ANaConDA and analysers can use libraries
        * Improved cycle enumeration in the GoodLock deadlock analyser
        * tools/build: terminate building when downloading of sources fails
      * Fixes
        * Fixed writing to stdout and stderr when shutting down analysers
        * Fixed various issues preventing the script from working
        * tools/executions: fixed directory order when searching for GCC
        * tools/build: fixed compilation errors when building GCC with
          glibc 2.26 and 2.28
        * shared/cmake: fixed checking Boost library version
        * tools/build: fixed checking PIN availability on Linux
        * tools/test: fixed ignoring configuration directory specified
          by the user when performing tests with ANaConDA
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